It took hundreds of emails to labels and record companies to try to get a small spotlight on their hard work. Few responded and those that did were hesitant. Hesitant to take the risk of signing Life of Dillon, a three-man band out of London who had been working vigorously on new music, featuring a variety of instruments, vocals and dedication into creating something unique and special.
The band caught a break when Adam Alpert, manager of The Chainsmokers, decided to make something happen. Life of Dillon became the first band signed to Alpert’s new joint venture with Sony Music, Disruptor Records. The only thing the trio needed was an opportunity and it’s exactly what they received.
Life of Dillon is comprised of three members: David Keiffer and brothers Joe and Rob Griffith. Each of them were born into musical families and they eventually met at boarding school. “We had so many jam sessions with guitar, vocals and formed a strong chemistry. We’re lucky we had a couple of guys in a house and no parents because we had jam sessions from dawn until dusk,” the guys jokingly told our TapSongz Team. After creating various songs, but not pushing forward, the band had to decide if they were going to make a go of their music career or pursue something else. Roughly eight months ago the band decided to get out of the house and start sharing music. “We sent out loads and loads of emails to people and Adam Alpert believed in our music,” they recalled.
Joining a smaller label seemed like the perfect fit for such an energetic band that consisted of the perfect combination between electric and alternative-pop. “It feels incredible joining a new label because we were building from the ground up and it’s a family where we can be creative,” Joe said. “Both Epic Records and Disruptor have been a huge help and force behind pushing ‘Overload’ and we’ve made so many friends on the label,” he added.
Life of Dillon released their first track “Overload” roughly four months ago. The upbeat, happy tune could very well be the song of the summer, as it has already caught on with radio stations and music lovers across the globe. “Overload” already hit over one million views on YouTube and they just released the music video a month ago. “We had no idea what kind of response we would get. We weren’t trying to do anything different other than what we had already been trying to do. Let’s just get some music out there that we are proud of,” David said. The popular track features banjo, ukulele mixed in with steel drums, creating a sound that was unlike anything else out there.
The band just released their debut EP “Prologue”, featuring “Overload” along with four brand new originals. “Dreams” is a new track that could be compared to a combination of Nico & Vinz and old Mumford and Sons. “We used synth, hard baseline, light guitar, ukulele and banjo. It’s the kind of formula we like to use, a blend of all three of us working together,” the guys said. Life of Dillon’s new EP “Prologue” can be found on iTunes so be sure to check out the full project!
Despite just releasing their debut EP, the British trio has plenty of plans for the future. “At the end of the month we’ll continue to get back into the studio. We have so many songs and the essence is there. Our album will likely be released at the end of summer,” Joe said. This summer, Life of Dillon will be joining Meghan Trainor on tour throughout the United States. While the band has yet to meet Trainor, they believe it will be a match that works and have a great amount of respect for her writing skills.
Be sure to give Life of Dillon’s new EP “Prologue” a listen and be on the lookout for their debut album near the end of summer! Check Life of Dillon’s tour schedule below and see them perform live in a city near you. Here at TapSongz, we thank you for reading this feature article as we continue finding tomorrow’s greatest music today!
The band caught a break when Adam Alpert, manager of The Chainsmokers, decided to make something happen. Life of Dillon became the first band signed to Alpert’s new joint venture with Sony Music, Disruptor Records. The only thing the trio needed was an opportunity and it’s exactly what they received.
Life of Dillon is comprised of three members: David Keiffer and brothers Joe and Rob Griffith. Each of them were born into musical families and they eventually met at boarding school. “We had so many jam sessions with guitar, vocals and formed a strong chemistry. We’re lucky we had a couple of guys in a house and no parents because we had jam sessions from dawn until dusk,” the guys jokingly told our TapSongz Team. After creating various songs, but not pushing forward, the band had to decide if they were going to make a go of their music career or pursue something else. Roughly eight months ago the band decided to get out of the house and start sharing music. “We sent out loads and loads of emails to people and Adam Alpert believed in our music,” they recalled.
Joining a smaller label seemed like the perfect fit for such an energetic band that consisted of the perfect combination between electric and alternative-pop. “It feels incredible joining a new label because we were building from the ground up and it’s a family where we can be creative,” Joe said. “Both Epic Records and Disruptor have been a huge help and force behind pushing ‘Overload’ and we’ve made so many friends on the label,” he added.
Life of Dillon released their first track “Overload” roughly four months ago. The upbeat, happy tune could very well be the song of the summer, as it has already caught on with radio stations and music lovers across the globe. “Overload” already hit over one million views on YouTube and they just released the music video a month ago. “We had no idea what kind of response we would get. We weren’t trying to do anything different other than what we had already been trying to do. Let’s just get some music out there that we are proud of,” David said. The popular track features banjo, ukulele mixed in with steel drums, creating a sound that was unlike anything else out there.
The band just released their debut EP “Prologue”, featuring “Overload” along with four brand new originals. “Dreams” is a new track that could be compared to a combination of Nico & Vinz and old Mumford and Sons. “We used synth, hard baseline, light guitar, ukulele and banjo. It’s the kind of formula we like to use, a blend of all three of us working together,” the guys said. Life of Dillon’s new EP “Prologue” can be found on iTunes so be sure to check out the full project!
Despite just releasing their debut EP, the British trio has plenty of plans for the future. “At the end of the month we’ll continue to get back into the studio. We have so many songs and the essence is there. Our album will likely be released at the end of summer,” Joe said. This summer, Life of Dillon will be joining Meghan Trainor on tour throughout the United States. While the band has yet to meet Trainor, they believe it will be a match that works and have a great amount of respect for her writing skills.
Be sure to give Life of Dillon’s new EP “Prologue” a listen and be on the lookout for their debut album near the end of summer! Check Life of Dillon’s tour schedule below and see them perform live in a city near you. Here at TapSongz, we thank you for reading this feature article as we continue finding tomorrow’s greatest music today!